(315) 363-4110 • Sherrill, NY | (315) 829-2626 • Vernon, NY
(315) 363-4110 • Sherrill, NY | (315) 829-2626 • Vernon, NY

Tribute Wall
Plant a tree in memory of Judith
An environmentally friendly option
1 tree(s) planted in memory of Judith Maciag
Provide comfort for the family by sending flowers or planting a tree in memory of Judith Maciag.
Guaranteed hand delivery by a local florist
Shirley Ludwikowski posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
So sorry to hear about Judy’s passing. She was such a good neighbor and friend. She was so sweet and happy around us all. She was always watching out for my parents Fred and Margaret. May God bless you all.
Shirley Langford Ludwikowski
Trevor Esch posted a condolence
Sunday, November 19, 2023
So sorry to hear of Aunt Judy's passing. While ive only met her a few times; i have a handful of memories of my dad telling me of her and Fred asking how I was doing - which was always welcome and kind. Prayers to the Nell and Maciag Family.
Trevor Esch

A Memorial Tree was planted for Judith Maciag
Saturday, November 18, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Malecki Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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464 Sherrill Road
Sherrill, New York 13461
T: (315) 363-4110
F: 315-829-3669
E: maleckifuneralhome@centralny.twcbc.com
23 Front Street
Vernon, New York 13476
T: (315) 829-2626
F: 315-829-3669
E: maleckifuneralhome@centralny.twcbc.com